10316067 Canada Corporation

33 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton, ON L6S 0A4


10316067 CANADA CORPORATION is a federal corporation in Brampton incorporated with Corporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. The entity was incorporated on July 10, 2017 with corporation #10316067. The current entity status is . The registered office location is at 33 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton, ON L6S 0A4. The directors of the corporation include Manjinder Singh Johal.

Corporation Information

Business Number704316124
Current Name10316067 CANADA CORPORATION
Incorporation Date2017-07-10
Address33 Triple Crown Drive
ON L6S 0A4
Director Limits1-10

Corporation Directors

Director NameDirector Address
MANJINDER SINGH JOHAL33 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton ON L6S 0A4, Canada

Corporation Changes History

TypeEffective DateExpiry DateDetails
Act2017-07-10currentCanada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) / Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions (LCSA)
Status2017-07-10currentActive / Actif
Name2017-07-10current10316067 CANADA CORPORATION
Address2017-07-10current33 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton, ON L6S 0A4
Activity2017-07-10currentIncorporation / Constitution en société - .

Annual Return Filings

YearMeeting DateType of Corporation
20232023-01-04Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders / Société n'ayant pas appel au public et comptant 50 actionnaires ou moins
20222022-01-01Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders / Société n'ayant pas appel au public et comptant 50 actionnaires ou moins
20212021-07-12Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders / Société n'ayant pas appel au public et comptant 50 actionnaires ou moins

Officer Information


Director NameDirector Address
MANJINDER SINGH JOHAL33 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton ON L6S 0A4, Canada

Corporations with the same officer (Manjinder Singh Johal)

Corporation NameAddressIncorporation Date
VHCC Inc. 202 - 2589 Ce, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S42017-05-19
South Asian Wedding Directory Incorporated 555 Burrard Street, Suite 900, Vancouver, BC V7X 1M82009-04-23

Location Information

Street Address 33 Triple Crown Drive
Postal CodeL6S 0A4

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Corporation NameAddressIncorporation Date
8289271 Canada Inc. 20 Eastway St, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42012-09-05
6734103 Canada Inc. 20 east way st, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42007-03-09
8183376 Canada Inc. 31 Triple Crown Dr, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42012-05-02
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Jatt Transportiye Inc. 9 Gaspe Road, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42021-12-13
Across The Oceans Immigration Services Ltd. 36 Gaspe Road, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42022-07-21
12837854 Canada Inc. 65 Eastway Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42021-03-17
Trill.X Corp. 24 Eastway Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42020-12-21
VASBA TECH Inc. 5 Gaspe Road, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42022-01-01
13159311 Canada Inc. 75 Eastway Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A42021-07-05
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Corporations in the same postal code

Corporation NameAddressIncorporation Date
Mindful Merge Movement Inc. 76 Triple Crown Drive, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52024-06-11
9574468 Canada Inc. 96 Herdwick Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52016-01-06
14227280 Canada Inc. 110 Herdwick Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52022-07-21
15940508 Canada Inc. 115 Herdwick St, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52024-04-11
16195768 Canada Inc. 21 Triple Crown Dr, Brampton, ON L6S 0A62024-07-09
9932151 Canada Inc. 118 Herdwick Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52016-10-04
9429662 Canada Inc. 116 Herdwick Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52015-09-03
11030418 Canada Inc. 110 Herdwick Street, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52018-10-05
16376801 Canada Inc. 32 Gaspe Road, Brampton, ON L6S 0A62024-09-18
16279236 Canada Inc. 133 Herdwick St, Brampton, ON L6S 0A52024-08-09
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Similar Entities

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Organisation Citoyenne De GuinÉE – Section Ocg-Canada (Ocg-Canada) 151 Edouard Gagnon, Gatineau, QC J9H 7C82017-04-04
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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over one million business and not-for-profit entities incorporated with Corporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. Corporations Canada is Canada's federal corporate regulator, responsible for administering laws regarding the incorporation of Canadian businesses, except for financial intermediaries. Each corporation is registered with corporation number, corporate name, office address, current status, directors, annual filling dates, etc.

SubjectEconomics and Industry
Data ProviderCorporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada
AttributionContains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Canada.

Dataset Details

A corporation is a new legal entity created when incorporating. In Canada, a corporation has the same rights as a person. Any business and not-for-profit operating in Canada can incorporate federally. This dataset includes:

  • (1) business corporations created under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA),
  • (2) not-for-profit corporations created under the Canada Corporations Act, Part II (CCA II),
  • (3) not-for-profit corporations created under the Canada Not-for profit Corporations Act (NFP),
  • (4) cooperatives created under the Canada Cooperatives Act (COOP),
  • (5) board of trades created under the Boards of Trade Act (BOTA), and
  • (6) other corporations regulated by Corporations Canada (e.g., special act corporation).
This dataset does not include corporations created under financial legislation (such as financial institutions, insurance companies or loan and trust companies) or those created under provincial/territorial legislation or corporate legislation from another jurisdiction.

Information about federal corporations is public information, including a corporation's registered office address, and the names and addresses of its directors, as required by corporate laws that govern federal corporations. This applies even after a corporation has been dissolved, amalgamated or discontinued. Corporate information is made public to help people, like investors, financial institutions and other stakeholders, make timely and informed decisions about corporations, and let people know who is responsible for the corporation. Information and documents filed are not removed from the corporate records even when new information or documents are filed, including documents previously filed, filed for previous years or filed by mistake. Corporate laws require the public disclosure of this information.