AI Spark Inc. *

431 B 41 Avenue Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 2N4


AI Spark Inc. * is a federal corporation in Calgary incorporated with Corporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. The entity was incorporated on May 22, 2023 with corporation #15047820. The current entity status is . The registered office location is at 431 B 41 Avenue Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 2N4. The directors of the corporation include Priya Ranjani Mohan, Karthikeyan Kalyanasundaram and Subashini Mohan.

Corporation Information

Business Number713017549
Current NameAI Spark Inc. *
Incorporation Date2023-05-22
Address431 B 41 Avenue Northeast
AB T2E 2N4
Director Limits1-10

Corporation Directors

Director NameDirector Address
Priya Ranjani Mohan932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States
Karthikeyan Kalyanasundaram932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States
Subashini Mohan932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States

Corporation Changes History

TypeEffective DateExpiry DateDetails
Act2023-05-22currentCanada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) / Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions (LCSA)
Status2023-05-22currentActive / Actif
Name2023-05-22currentAI Spark Inc. *
Address2023-05-22current431 B 41 Avenue Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 2N4
Activity2023-05-22currentIncorporation / Constitution en société - .

Annual Return Filings

YearMeeting DateType of Corporation
20242024-03-06Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders / Société n'ayant pas appel au public et comptant 50 actionnaires ou moins

Officer Information


Director NameDirector Address
Priya Ranjani Mohan932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States
Karthikeyan Kalyanasundaram932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States
Subashini Mohan932 Baldwin Ridge Road, Apex NC 27523, United States

Location Information

Street Address 431 B 41 Avenue Northeast
Postal CodeT2E 2N4

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over one million business and not-for-profit entities incorporated with Corporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. Corporations Canada is Canada's federal corporate regulator, responsible for administering laws regarding the incorporation of Canadian businesses, except for financial intermediaries. Each corporation is registered with corporation number, corporate name, office address, current status, directors, annual filling dates, etc.

SubjectEconomics and Industry
Data ProviderCorporations Canada, a division of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada
AttributionContains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Canada.

Dataset Details

A corporation is a new legal entity created when incorporating. In Canada, a corporation has the same rights as a person. Any business and not-for-profit operating in Canada can incorporate federally. This dataset includes:

  • (1) business corporations created under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA),
  • (2) not-for-profit corporations created under the Canada Corporations Act, Part II (CCA II),
  • (3) not-for-profit corporations created under the Canada Not-for profit Corporations Act (NFP),
  • (4) cooperatives created under the Canada Cooperatives Act (COOP),
  • (5) board of trades created under the Boards of Trade Act (BOTA), and
  • (6) other corporations regulated by Corporations Canada (e.g., special act corporation).
This dataset does not include corporations created under financial legislation (such as financial institutions, insurance companies or loan and trust companies) or those created under provincial/territorial legislation or corporate legislation from another jurisdiction.

Information about federal corporations is public information, including a corporation's registered office address, and the names and addresses of its directors, as required by corporate laws that govern federal corporations. This applies even after a corporation has been dissolved, amalgamated or discontinued. Corporate information is made public to help people, like investors, financial institutions and other stakeholders, make timely and informed decisions about corporations, and let people know who is responsible for the corporation. Information and documents filed are not removed from the corporate records even when new information or documents are filed, including documents previously filed, filed for previous years or filed by mistake. Corporate laws require the public disclosure of this information.