3123 Kostash Green Sw


3123 Kostash Green Sw is a property assessed by City of Edmonton, Assessment and Taxation Branch. The Property Account Number is #11006194. The total assessed value is $856,000.

Property Information

Account Number11006194
Address3123 Kostash Green Sw
NeighbourhoodKESWICK (5574)
Wardpihêsiwin Ward
Assessed Value$856,000
Year Built2022
Property Class100% RESIDENTIAL
Legal DescriptionPlan: 2120044 Block: 11 Lot: 89
Lot Size495

Location Information

Street Address 3123 KOSTASH GREEN SW
Wardpihêsiwin Ward

Properties in nearby locations

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3135 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $268,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward
3127 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $936,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021
3124 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $198,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward
3126 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $753,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021
3122 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $808,500Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021
3130 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $722,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021
3131 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $933,500Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2022
3211 Kulay Way Sw, Edmonton, AB $117,500Keswickpihêsiwin Ward
3119 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $788,000Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021
3125 Kostash Green Sw, Edmonton, AB $1,154,500Keswickpihêsiwin Ward2021

Improve Information

Do you have more infomration about 3123 Kostash Green Sw? Please fill in the following form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes 360 thousand properties within the City of Edmonton assessed by City of Edmonton, Assessment and Taxation Branch. Each property is registered with account number, location address, assessed value and history, etc.