Edward Brown · Ontario Health

Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur      


Edward Brown is an employee working in Ontario Health, according to Province of Ontario, Treasury Board Secretariat. The position title is Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur.

Employee Information (1)

Full NameEdward Brown
Last NameBrown
First NameEdward
EmployerOntario Health
SectorCrown Agencies
Job TitleExecutive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur

Salary History

Job TitleSalaryTaxable BenefitsYear
Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur606091.7802022
Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur626182.06699.842021
Executive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur574665.893823.912020

Employee Information (2)

Full NameEdward Brown
Last NameBrown
First NameEdward
EmployerOntario Telemedicine Network
SectorOther Public Sector Employers
Job TitleChief Executive Officer / Chef de la Direction
Taxable Benefits$11,303.04

Salary History

Job TitleSalaryTaxable BenefitsYear
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la Direction626262.2711303.042019
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la Direction586111.5910848.442018
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la Direction505327.2310823.902017
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la direction486858.2910733.842016
Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction478844.8210689.022015
Chief Executive Officer / Chef de la direction475405.7610604.362014
Chief Executive Officer471965.9010572.122010
Chief Executive Officer464934.9411900.052009
Chief Executive Officer423958.703621.312008

Employee Information (3)

Last NameBROWN
First NameEDWARD
EmployerOntario Telemedicine Network / Réseau Télémédecine Ontario
SectorOther Public Sector Employers
Job TitleChief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction
Taxable Benefits$10,703.39

Salary History

Job TitleSalaryTaxable BenefitsYear
Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction475406.1210703.392013
Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction475406.1510790.282012
Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction475406.1310587.062011

Employee Information (4)

Last NameBROWN
First NameEDWARD
EmployerUpper Grand District School Board
SectorSchool Boards
Job TitleManager System Integration
Taxable Benefits$499.44

Salary History

Job TitleSalaryTaxable BenefitsYear
Manager System Integration108529.66499.442012
System Integration Manager106283.14526.482011

Employer Information

EmployerOntario Health

Employees with the same employer

Employee NameJob TitleEmployerSalaryYear
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Position Information

Job TitleExecutive Lead, Population Health and Value-Based Health Systems/Directeur général, Santé de la population et système de santé axé sur la valeur
EmployerOntario Health

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 30 thousand employees working in public sectors of Government of Ontario. The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 makes public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers; it requires organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario to make public, by March 31 each year, the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more in the calendar year. Each employee is disclosed with full name, employer, position, salaries, etc.