Employee Name Title Organization Total Amount Description Start Date
Isabelle Desmartis
A/ADM(Pol) National Defence $255,223.64 Unpkdm 2017-11-14
Isabelle Daoust
Corporate Secretary National Defence $97,948.40 Defence Leadership Symposium - 2 days (Morning refreshments, lunch, afternoon refreshments and dinner on 16 October; Morning ref 2017-10-16
Kevin Horgan
Cos Ie National Defence $40,685.84 Host the NSJEC Conference at Chateau Laurier hotel. 2021-10-18
C. J. Turenne
Deputy Commander Canadian Army National Defence $18,273.50 Canada hosted the Executive Council Meeting (ECM 18) of the American, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand Armies' Interop 2018-10-29
Claude Rochette
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/Chief Financial Officer National Defence $12,864.67 ADM(Fin)/CFO Town Hall 2018-06-28
Maurice Lloyd
Commander RCN National Defence $11,515.34 RCN Change of Command 2019-06-12
Pierre St-Amand
Norad Deputy (Nd) National Defence $9,411.79 Canada day outreach event 2017-07-01
Kin Choi
Adm (Hr-Civ) National Defence $7,911.46 2017 ADM(HR-Civ) Townhall and Merit Awards Ceremony. 2017-01-12
D.C. Hawco
Canadian Military Representative at NATO HQ National Defence $6,217.10 Canada Day Reception 2019-07-01
J.-M. Lanthier
Commander Canadian Army National Defence $5,912.40 Aboriginal Awareness Week Event. The purpose of this event is to give employees the opportunity to learn more about the cultures 2019-05-22
W.S. Truelove
Defence Attaché and Commander CDLS(W) National Defence $5,946.60 Change of Command 2018-07-19
John F. Newton
Commander Maritine Forces Atlantic National Defence $5,795 Canada 150 2017-06-30
Jane Lang
Acting Corporate Secretary National Defence $5,396.99 General Officers/Flag Officers Symposium - Lunch 2017-06-08
J.M.M. Hainse
Canadian Military Representative at NATO HQ National Defence $5,386.94 Gala Diner - Canadian Fall Reception of the NATO Military Comiittee 2016-11-10
Jonathan H. Vance
Order of Military Merit (ORMM) Reception National Defence $4,835.84 The reception precedes the ORMM investitures ceremony which are held at Rideau Hall. The reception provides the CDS and other me 2016-11-09
Art McDonald
Commander Maritime Forces Pacific National Defence $3,762.76 Her Majesty Canadian Ship (HMCS) Winnipeg Recpetion - Sri Lanka 2017-05-22
D.A. Macaulay
Deputy Commander Canadian Army National Defence $3,030.30 Canada-United States Army Staff Talks (CAN-US AST). The annual ASTs enhance the army-to-army relationships, synchronize bilatera 2019-09-03
F.J. Allen
Canadian Military Representative at NATO HQ National Defence $2,720.40 Informal dinner with allied MILREP's and senior NATO officials. 2021-06-08
Jonathan Vance
Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) National Defence $2,914.47 North Atlantic Treaty Organization military committee conference enhanced forward presence Latvia Working Breakfast 14 sept 2019 2019-09-14
S.J. Bowes
Comd CJOC National Defence $3,113.28 Canada/Mexico Military/Military Talks (Working Lunch (x 2); and Coffee Break (X4)) 2017-08-29
Canadian defense attaché (CDA) National Defence $2,416.26 Hosted embassy dinner for international counterparts 2021-11-23
C. Whitecross
Commandant - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Defense College National Defence $2,507.15 Commandant North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Defense College (COMD NDC) Informal Outreach engagement with Key Personnel 2020-01-17
J.R. Auchterlonie
Commander Maritime Forces Pacific National Defence $2,589.36 Reception: Community Stakeholder Outreach and Engagement 2019-09-15
BGen Girard
PRMNY (New York) National Defence $2,357.40 UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial Technical Briefing 2017-10-16
Commodore Bernatchez
Judge Advocate General National Defence $1,700.09 Centennial Celebrations for the Canadian Armed Forces Legal Branch 2018-03-01
Cheri Crosby
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/ Chief Financial Officer National Defence $1,600 Refreshments: Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) Town Hall 2019-12-06
O. Lavoie
Deputy Commander Joint Force Command Naples National Defence $1,478.68 Informal outreach engagement with JFCNP personnel 2019-11-29
J.P.G. Couturier
Deputy Commander Royal Canadian Navy National Defence $1,553.45 Hospitality for Five Eyes Naval Staff Talks - Luncheon 2016-10-13
Christian Drouin
Commander of 1 Canadian Air Division /Canadian North American Aerospace Defence Command Region National Defence $1,536.98 Commander's Christmas Reception 2016-12-18
Gary Walbourne
Ombudsman National Defence $1,435.92 All staff meeting - Venue rental, food and refreshments 2017-02-23
AD Meinzinger
Commander RCAF National Defence $1,238.17 Refreshments: Honorary Colonel conference 2019-05-29
Jean-François Morel
Executive Director, IRPDAO National Defence $1,235.98 IRPDA Retreat 2019-09-11
S.C. Hetherington
Defence Attaché and Commander CDLS(W) National Defence $1,214.55 Formal dinner with CYBERCOM and key stakeholders 2019-03-08
M.F.R. Lloyd
Commander Royal Canadian Navy National Defence $1,332.41 Gifts for the Japan Navy Delegates 2017-11-26
Troy Crosby
Assistant Deputy Minister National Defence $1,146 2019 Materiel Group Orientation 2019-10-03
A.D. Meinzinger
Comd RCAF National Defence $1,189.82 Honorary Colonel Conference 2018-06-06
William Truelove
Commander CDLS(W) National Defence $1,243.74 Dinner with Joint Staff and spouses. Outreach initiative aimed at improving Canada's working relationship with key players in th 2016-11-16
C. Coates
Deputy Commander NORAD National Defence $1,043.10 Penrose Canada Day Event 2019-07-01
Suneeta Millington
A/DGIS Pol National Defence $878 Canada-Israel Strategic Dialogue 2021-11-22
M.-H. St-Louis
Acting Commander Canadian Army National Defence $848.51 Attendance at the 28th Conference of European Armies 15 to 18 June 2021 in Wiesbaden, Germany on the invitation of the Commandin 2021-06-15
Christopher Zimmer
Chief of Staff National Defence $821.11 Advanced Logistic Officer course - Panel 2021-11-24
Craig King
Corporate Secretary National Defence $956.28 Armed Forces Council Executive-All day offsite -Breakfast, refreshments and lunch 2017-01-13
Wayne Eyre
Acting Chief of the Defence Staff (A/CDS) National Defence $715.39 A working breakfast for enhanced Forward Presence Latvia principals will be hosted by the Acting Chief of the Defence Staff duri 2021-09-18
Amipal Manchanda
Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) National Defence $828.62 Departmental Audit Committee Meeting 2018-06-19
J Paul
Informal Outreach Engagement With Jfcnp Nato Senior National Representatives (Snr) National Defence $651.16 The purpose of the informal outreach engagements is to foster stronger relationships, in an informal setting, in order to streng 2022-03-24
Wayne Gen Eyre
Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) National Defence $600 Brigadier-general (BGen) Sabourin has been designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) as the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) 2022-03-31
P. Ormsby
Canadian Defense Attaché National Defence $538.54 Embassy tour with Foreign Relation Staff Luncheon (31 Oct 2019) 2019-10-31
Harjit Sajjan
Minister of National Defence National Defence $578.66 2017 Canadian Armed Forces Recognition Day in the House of Commons - Lunch with MND. 2017-06-12
Brian W.N Santarpia
Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic / Joint Task Force Atlantic National Defence $461.25 Refreshments - Rear-Admiral's Holiday Reception 2021-12-02
Angus Topshee
Commander Maritime Forces Pacific / Joint Task Force Pacific National Defence $445 Refreshments : Stakeholder meeting; reception: Royal New Zealand Navy Representatives 2021-08-12
Rob Chambers
Adm Ie National Defence $482.62 Morning and afternoon breaks for the meeting with the Bufallo River and Brich Narrows Dene Nations 2018-09-11
Jennie Carignan
Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) National Defence $339 The Women in Defence and Security (WiDS) Annual Awards Breakfast focused on Defence, Security, and Inclusion: Elevating Every Vo 2022-03-03
Mike Rouleau
Commander CANSOFCOM National Defence $431.44 Dinner with visiting US Special Forces Commander 2017-10-26
Marc Bilodeau
Surgeon General (SG) National Defence $328.40 Lunch and refreshments for New Zealand SG visit 2022-03-07
Larry Surtees
Corporate Secretary National Defence $432.50 Corporate Secretary Townhall Meeting 2016-11-07
Michael Wright
Commander CFINTCOM National Defence $267.81 Visit of Deputy Commander NORAD 2021-09-13
Mollie Royds
Executive Director, IRPDAO National Defence $257.87 Meeting of the IRPDA - working lunch 2016-12-15
C.A. Baines
MARLANT Honours and Recognition Ceremony National Defence $228.72 RAdm C.A. Baines presided over Honours and Recognition presentations to deserving military members and civilian employees, after 2018-04-04
M.N. Rouleau
Comd CJOC National Defence $204.39 Working dinner with the Chief of Joint Operations from the Permanent Joint Headquarters, United Kingdom. 2019-02-25
W.F. Seymour
DComd CJOC National Defence $103.72 Multinational Joint Commission (Ukraine) 2018-05-14
Jill Sinclair
Strategic Joint Staff - Ukraine Reform National Defence $76.79 DRAB hosted breakfast for European Union Leaders 2019-05-21
Patrick Finn
ADM(Mat) National Defence $73.98 Meeting with Director Generals to discuss the strategic plan to advance with the Material Group mandate. 2016-09-09
Jennifer Clarke
A/Corporate Secretary National Defence $38.19 Defence Strategic Executive Committee-Refreshments 2019-06-24
Stephanie Beck
Associate Deputy Minister National Defence $30.90 Refreshments: Visit with Peace with Women Fellowship, Class of 2020 2022-03-24
John Turner
Associate Deputy Minister National Defence $9.88 Deputy minsters Breakfast 2016-10-05
B.W. Santarpia
Canadian Joint Operations Command Chief of Staff National Defence $0 nil report 2019-08-01
JPA Pelletier
Chief of Fighter Capability National Defence $0 Nil 2017-09-02
TL Harris
DComd RCAF National Defence $0 2017-06-02
C.J.J. Mialkowski
Deputy Commander Canadian Army National Defence $2,829.67 Canada-United States Army Staff Talks (CAN-US AST). The annual ASTs enhance the army-to-army relationships, synchronize bilatera 2021-12-02
Steve Boivin
Commander CANSOFCOM National Defence $123.45 Dinner with the Commander and the Command Chief from the Australian Special Forces 2021-11-12
Geneviève Bernatchez
Judge Advocate General National Defence $203.11 Refreshments: Presentation to Halifax International Security Forum (HISF) Women in Peace Fellowship 2021-11-08
Joanne Lostracco
Corporate Secretary National Defence $5,152.54 Defence Management Committee 2021-10-13
Bill Matthews
Deputy Minister National Defence $428.82 Refreshments: meetings 2021-03-01
Deirdra Finn
A/Corporate Secretary National Defence $449.18 Defence Intelligence Oversight Board - Lunch 2020-11-25
Stephen Burt
Assistant Deputy Minister(Data, Innovation,Analytics) National Defence $37,769.88 4th Annual Government of Canada Data Conference 2020-02-14
Preston. Denise
Executive Director National Defence $672.56 External Advisory Council - Refreshments and Lunch for 12 & 13 February 2020. 2020-02-12
Susan Cole
Executive Director, IRPDAO National Defence $19.16 Meeting of the IRPDA - afternoon coffee 2020-02-12
Julie Charron
Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) National Defence $4,581.60 TownHall ADM(RS) 2020-01-30
Jennifer Foster
Deputy Director, IRPDAO National Defence $278.77 Meeting of the IRPDA - Working Lunch 2020-01-15
Linda Drainville
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) National Defence $1,600 Refreshments: Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) Town Hall 2019-12-06
Christine Whitecross
CMDT NATO Defense College National Defence $2,405.02 NDC Commandant Informal Outreach Engagement with Unit Pers 2019-09-17
Chris Sutherland
Deputy Commander RCN National Defence $561.13 Hosted Supper with the Brazil Navy 2019-09-17
Luc Cassivi
Commander, Canadian Defense Academy National Defence $1,641.60 Refreshments: Executive Leaders Program 2019 2019-09-09
Peter Dawe
Commander CANSOFCOM National Defence $1,648.66 Dinner - US MARSOC Visit 2019-08-21
W.D. Eyre
Commander Canadian Army National Defence $1,483.13 Change of Command Parade of the Canadian Army at Parliament Hill and reception on 20 August 2019 in accordance with traditional 2019-08-20
Harjit Singh Sajjan
Minister of National Defence, Chief of the Defence Staff, Commander Canadian Army National Defence $51,392.40 Rededication ceremony of the Kandahar Cenotaph in front of the Afghanistan Memorial Hall at National Defence Headquarters (Carli 2019-08-17
S.G. Friday
Vice J4 US CENTCOM National Defence $0 nil report 2019-08-01
J.S.S.D. Fortin
Commander NATO Mission Iraq National Defence $0 nil report 2019-08-01
Scott Bishop
Commander CFINTCOM National Defence $1,489.98 Refreshments, Lunch and Dinner: VIP ROK Visit 2019-07-04
Denise Preston
Executive Director National Defence $737.02 External Advisory Council- Refreshments and Lunch for 24 & 25 June 2019 2019-06-24
Len Bastien
Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) National Defence $1,980.29 Lunch: The "Connect with the ADM" student event is open to co-op and Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) students wo 2019-06-18
Darren Hawco
CANMILREP to NATO National Defence $100.80 Working Breakfast 2019-06-13
Derek Joyce
DGIS Pol National Defence $45,420.45 North American Defence Ministers Meeting (NADM) 2019-06-12
Steven Whelan
Chief of Staff - Strategy, Military Personnel Command National Defence $18,899 Seamless Canada 3 meeting 2019-06-11
Gord Venner
Associate Deputy Minister National Defence $406.91 Working lunch with US deleguation 2019-03-21
Peter Hammerschmidt
A/ADM(Pol) National Defence $154,704 Halifax International Security Forum (HISF) 2018-10-03
P.S. Dawe
Commander CANSOFCOM National Defence $162.76 Meetings - Working Lunch 2018-09-26
BGen S. Boivin
Deputy Commander CANSOFCOM National Defence $205.54 Dinner with Australian Guests 2018-07-16
Blaise F. Frawley
DComd RCAF National Defence $0 2018-06-02
John Foster
Deputy Minister National Defence $26.47 Coordinating Committee of Deputy Ministers 2017-10-18