Federal Proactive Disclosure - Hospitality Expenses
Office of the Veterans Ombudsman


This dataset includes 20 thousand proactive publication of hospitality expense information of senior officers or employees, as required by the amendments to the Access to Information Act. The Government of Canada extends hospitality in accordance with the rules and principles outlined in the Policies for Ministers' Offices and the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures. Each hospitality expense is registered with full name, organization, title, description, location, etc.

Dataset Information

Data ProviderTreasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Search Result

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
Craig Dalton Veterans OmbudsmanOffice of the Veterans Ombudsman$3,197.96Refreshments and Lunch for All Staff Meeting On February 4 & 5, 2020.2020-02-04
Nishika Jardine Veterans OmbudsmanOffice of the Veterans Ombudsman$1,366.64Off-Site Project Planning2021-12-01