M.F.R. Lloyd


M.F.R. Lloyd is an employee working in National Defence. The position title is Commander Royal Canadian Navy.

Hospitality Expense Information

Full NameM.F.R. Lloyd
OrganizationNational Defence
Défense nationale
TitleCommander Royal Canadian Navy / Commandant de la Marine royale canadienne
Reference NumberRCN-Hosp 17-049
Disclosure GroupSLE
Claimant NameM.F.R. Lloyd
Start Date2017-11-26
End Date2017-12-03
LocationTokyo, Japan / Tokyo (Japon)
DescriptionGifts for the Japan Navy Delegates
Total Amount1332.41

Recent Expenses

DescriptionLocationTotal AmountStart Date
Nil report / Rapport néant 2017-12-02
Gifts for the Japan Navy Delegates / Cadeaux pour les délégués de la Marine japonaiseTokyo, Japan 1332.412017-11-26
Nil / Néant0 02017-06-02
Dinner Meeting / Réunion d'affaires101 Colonel By Drive 439.782017-05-29
International Maritime Review in Singapore - Mementos / Souvenir - Revue maritime internationale à Singapour 969.342017-05-10
Breakfast Meeting / Réunion petit déjeûner101 Colonel By Drive 75.512017-02-02

Employer Information

Employees with the same organization

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
J.-M. Lanthier Commander Canadian ArmyNational Defence$5,912.40Aboriginal Awareness Week Event. The purpose of this event is to give employees the opportunity to learn more about the cultures2019-05-22
Art McDonald Commander Maritime Forces PacificNational Defence$3,762.76Her Majesty Canadian Ship (HMCS) Winnipeg Recpetion - Sri Lanka2017-05-22
Isabelle Desmartis A/ADM(Pol)National Defence$255,223.64Unpkdm2017-11-14
W.S. Truelove Defence Attaché and Commander CDLS(W)National Defence$5,946.60Change of Command2018-07-19
John F. Newton Commander Maritine Forces AtlanticNational Defence$5,795Canada 1502017-06-30
Kin Choi Adm (Hr-Civ)National Defence$7,911.462017 ADM(HR-Civ) Townhall and Merit Awards Ceremony.2017-01-12
D.C. Hawco Canadian Military Representative at NATO HQNational Defence$6,217.10Canada Day Reception2019-07-01
Jonathan Vance Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)National Defence$2,914.47North Atlantic Treaty Organization military committee conference enhanced forward presence Latvia Working Breakfast 14 sept 20192019-09-14
Maurice Lloyd Commander RCNNational Defence$11,515.34RCN Change of Command2019-06-12
Pierre St-Amand Norad Deputy (Nd)National Defence$9,411.79Canada day outreach event2017-07-01
Find all employees with the same organization

Position Information

TitleCommander Royal Canadian Navy
OrganizationNational Defence

Similar Employees

Employees with similar names

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
Maurice Lloyd Commander RCNNational Defence$11,515.34RCN Change of Command2019-06-12
Lloyd McCoomb ChairmanCanadian Air Transport Security Authority$1,433.59Board of Directors Meetings2015-09-09

Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 20 thousand proactive publication of hospitality expense information of senior officers or employees, as required by the amendments to the Access to Information Act. The Government of Canada extends hospitality in accordance with the rules and principles outlined in the Policies for Ministers' Offices and the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures. Each hospitality expense is registered with full name, organization, title, description, location, etc.