Malcolm Brown


Malcolm Brown is an employee working in Employment and Social Development Canada. The position title is Senior Assistant Deputy Minister.

Hospitality Expense Information

Full NameMalcolm Brown
OrganizationEmployment and Social Development Canada
Emploi et Développement social Canada
TitleSenior Assistant Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre adjoint principal
Reference NumberH-2008-Q3-00010
Disclosure GroupSLE
Claimant NameMalcolm Brown
Start Date2008-10-02
End Date2008-10-02
LocationCapital Traiteur Inc., Gatineau
DescriptionLunch and Refreshments - Strategic Policy and Research All-staff retreat
Employee Attendees450
Total Amount4726.4

Expenses History

TitleLocationTotal AmountYear
Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterDepartment boardroom; Public Works and Government Services, Gatineau; Tabagie Affection, Gatineau807.462009
Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterCapital Traiteur Inc., Gatineau; Escale Restaurant, Gatineau; Public Works and Government Services Canada, Gatineau; Strathmere,5618.732008
Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterAlbert at Bay, Ottawa; Passion in the kitchen, Ottawa503.362005
Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterAnnona Restaurant, Toronto; Café Chez-soi, Gatineau; Château Cartier, Aylmer; Sam Jakes Inn, Merrickville; Wakefield Mill, Wakef2038.262004

Recent Expenses

DescriptionLocationTotal AmountStart Date
Refreshments - EX board interviews / Rafraîchissements - Comité de sélection pour EXTabagie Affection, Gatineau 12.52009-07-06
Meeting with management team / Rencontre avec l'équipe de gestionPublic Works and Government Services, Gatineau 7042009-06-22
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Transsexual Employee Network Launch / Lancement du réseau qui représente les employés gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels, bi-spirituels, transgenres ou en questionnementDepartment boardroom 90.962009-01-22
Lunch and Refreshments - Strategic Policy and Research All-staff retreat / Déjeuner et rafraîchissements - Séance de réflexion de tout le personnel de la Direction générale de la politique stratégique et de la rechercheCapital Traiteur Inc., Gatineau 4726.42008-10-02
Refreshments - Board interview meetings / Rafraîchissements - Réunions d'entrevues individuelles successivesEscale Restaurant, Gatineau 19.742008-09-09
Refreshments - Interactive Event Diversity @ HRSDC / Rafraîchissements - Activité interactive La "Diversité " à RHDSCEscale Restaurant, Gatineau 247.812008-08-21
Refreshments - Board interview meetings / Rafraîchissements - Réunions d'entrevues individuelles successivesEscale Restaurant, Gatineau 30.462008-07-30
Retreat - Senior Management Meeting / Retraite - Rencontre des cadres supérieursPublic Works and Government Services Canada, Gatineau 498.322008-05-30
Refreshments - Strategic Policy and Research Branch Management Meetings / Rafraîchissements - Réunions de gestion de la direction générale de la politique stratégique et rechercheStrathmere, North Gower 962008-04-03
Refreshments - Extended Management Coaching Clinic (French session) / Rafraîchissements - Clinique prolongée de soutien pour la gestion (session en français)Albert at Bay, Ottawa 169.392005-02-16
Breakfast and lunch - Management Coaching Clinic / Petit-déjeuner et déjeuner - Clinique d'entraînement de la directionPassion in the kitchen, Ottawa 57.492005-02-16
Refreshments - Extended Management Coaching Clinic (English session) / Rafraîchissements - Clinique prolongée de soutien pour la gestion (session en anglais)Albert at Bay, Ottawa 138.242005-01-26
Refreshments - Extended Management Coaching Clinic (English session) / Rafraîchissements - Clinique prolongée de soutien pour la gestion (session en anglais)Albert at Bay, Ottawa 138.242005-01-19
Refreshments - Employment Programs Policy and Design All Staff Retreat / Rafraîchissements - Retraite de tous les employés des Politiques et conception des programmes d'emploiChâteau Cartier, Aylmer 1729.472004-12-13
Breakfast with co-chair at the Forum of Labour Market Ministers Senior Officials meeting / Petit-déjeuner d'affaires avec le co-président et les hauts fonctionnaires au sujet du Forum des ministres du marché du travailAnnona Restaurant, Toronto 502004-11-04
Refreshments - Assistant Deputy Minister's, Directors General's and Director's retreat / Rafraîchissements - retraite du sous-ministre adjoint, des directeurs généraux et des directeursWakefield Mill, Wakefield 111.152004-08-30
Coffee - Attend the assistant Deputy Minister's, Directors General's and Director's retreat / Café - Assister à la retraite du sous-ministre adjoint, des directeurs généraux et directeursWakefield Mill, Wakefield 62004-08-30
Coffee - Attend the assistant Deputy Minister's and Directors General's retreat / Café - Assister à la retraite du sous-ministre adjoint et des directeurs générauxSam Jakes Inn, Merrickville 6.542004-06-22
Refreshments, Assistant Deputy Minister Advisory Committee / Rafraîchissements, Comité consultatif des sous-ministres adjointsCafé Chez-soi, Gatineau 33.442004-01-30
Refreshments, Brainstorming / Rafraîchissements, Session remue-méningesCafé Chez-soi, Gatineau 61.532004-01-14
Refreshments, Brainstorming / Rafraîchissements, Session remue-méningesCafé Chez-soi, Gatineau 40.132004-01-07

Hospitality Expense Information

Full NameMalcolm Brown
OrganizationPublic Safety Canada
Sécurité publique Canada
TitleDeputy Minister / Sous-Ministre
Reference NumberH-2017-Q3-00019
Disclosure GroupSLE
Claimant NameMalcolm Brown
Start Date2017-10-12
End Date2017-10-12
LocationShaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario / Centre Shaw, Ottawa, Ontario
DescriptionRefreshment breaks and lunch for the 2017 Executives Symposium.
Employee Attendees79
Total Amount3782.27

Expenses History

TitleLocationTotal AmountYear
Deputy MinisterIn house catering hospitality provided by La Bottega.; Ottawa, Ontario; Ottawa, Ontario, Kettlemans Bagel and Sobeys.; Ottawa, O876.282019
Deputy Minister269 Laurier Ave. West, Grounded Kitchen.; In house catering hospitality provided by Grounded Kitchen.; In house catering hospita3300.582018
Deputy Minister269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON; Corner Kitchen, 200 Kent St, Ottawa, Ontario Olly Fresco's, 181 Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario; Depu5958.702017

Recent Expenses

DescriptionLocationTotal AmountStart Date
Working diner for the Ministerial Briefing. / Diner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.Ottawa, Ontario, La Bottega 264.422019-04-09
Working breakfast for the Ministerial Briefing. / Déjeuner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.Ottawa, Ontario, Kettlemans Bagel and Sobeys. 74.12019-03-01
Working breakfast for the Ministerial briefing. / Déjeuner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.Ottawa, Ontario, Sobeys 28.532019-02-21
Provision of beverage for the various meeting with the Deputy Ministers. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec les sous-ministres.Ottawa, Ontario 160.062019-02-01
Working lunch for the Ministerial Briefing. / Dîner d'affaires pour le breffage ministériel.In house catering hospitality provided by La Bottega. 349.172019-01-29
Working lunch for management meeting. / Dîner d'affaires pour la réunion de gestion.In house catering provided by Olly Fresco. 100.052018-12-06
Provision of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec les sous-ministres.Ottawa, Ontario 8.842018-12-03
Provision of beverages for various meeting with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre.Ottawa, Ontario 48.652018-11-09
Deputy Ministers functions. / Fonctions des sous-ministres.Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 410.182018-11-01
Provision of beverage for the various meeting with the Deputy Ministers. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec les sous-ministres.Privy Coucil Office, Ottawa, Ontario 122.852018-10-01
Working diner for the Ministerial Briefing / Diner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.Ottawa, Ontario, in house catering hospitality provided by La Bottega. 349.742018-09-27
Provision of beverage for various meeting with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec les sous-ministres.Ottawa, Ontario 90.382018-09-03
Working lunch for the Ministerial Briefing. / Déjeuner d'affaires pour le breffage ministériel.In-house catering provided by Olly Fresco's 111.182018-07-18
National Public Service Week 2018. / Semaine nationale de la fonction publique 2018.Ottawa, Ontario 45.162018-07-06
Working lunch with protfolio agencies. / Déjeuner d'affaires avec les agences du portfolio.In-house catering provided by La Bottega 140.242018-06-28
Working lunch with U.S. delegation. / Déjeuner d'affaires avec les officiels Américains des Etats-Unis.In-House catering provided by La Bottega 266.52018-06-12
Provision of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre.Ottawa, Ontario 62.742018-06-01
Working diner for the Ministerial Briefing. / Dîner d'affaires pour le breffage ministériel.In-house catering provided by Oriental House 157.782018-05-31
Working diner for the Ministerial Briefing. / Dîner d'affaires pour le breffage ministériel.In-house catering provided by Gabriel Pizza and Costco 169.882018-05-03
Provision of beverages for various meeting with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre.Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, Ontario 99.882018-04-18
Deputy Ministers functions. / Fonctions des sous-ministres.Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 153.42018-04-16
Working lunch for the Ministerial Briefing. / Déjeuner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.In house catering hospitality provided by Grounded Kitchen. 348.612018-04-03
Provisions of beverage for various meeting with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre.Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, Ontario 70.122018-02-12
Working diner for the Ministerial Briefing. / Diner d'affaire pour le breffage ministériel.In house catering hospitality provided by La Bottega. 223.742018-02-08
Working lunch for the Ministerial Briefing. / Déjeuner d'affaire pour le breffage ministrériel.In house catering hospitality provided by Olly Fresco and Gabriel Pizza. 142.662018-01-16
Working lunch for the Executive Management meeting. / Déjeuner d'affaire pour la réunion avec la haute direction.269 Laurier Ave. West, Grounded Kitchen. 1782018-01-11
Provisions of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister. / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre.Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 48.052017-12-02
Deputy Ministers functions. / Fonctions des sous-ministres.Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario. 140.992017-12-01
Working dinner - Ministerial briefing / Souper d'affaires pour le breffage du ministreMinister's Boardroom - 269 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON 1952017-10-24
Queen's Day on Parliament Hill - Co-hosted luncheon with Principal Wood / Déjeuner pour la journée de la Reine au Parlement - co-hôte avec Principal WoodExecutive Boardroom - 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 4182017-10-18
Refreshment breaks and lunch for the 2017 Executives Symposium. / Rafraîchissement pour les pauses et déjeuner pour le symposium des exécutifs 2017.Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario 3782.272017-10-12
Lunch with Portfolio Heads to discuss core mandate activities / Déjeuner avec les têtes de portoflio pour discutter des activités du mandatDeputy Minister's boardroom, 269 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa ON 1752017-09-27
Provision of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 190.252017-09-02
Lunch for Ministerial Briefing of July 13th, 2017. / Dîner d'affaires pour le breffage ministériel du 13 juillet 2017.Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 1882017-07-13
Deputy Minsiters functions. / Fonctions des sous-ministres.Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 160.412017-07-01
Deputy Ministers functions. / Fonctions des sous-ministres.Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 170.142017-06-23
National Public Service Week - Breakfast for the Deputy Minister's Staff to celebrate National Public Service Week 2017. / Semaine nationale de la fonction publique - Petit déjeuner pour les employés du bureau du sous-ministre pour célébrer la Semaine nationale de la fonction publique 2017.Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 662017-06-12
Provision of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister (June 2nd to September 1st, 2017). / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre (2 juin au 1er septembre 2017).Public Safety Canada, 269 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa ON 54.782017-06-02
Deputy Ministers' Retreat (April 28, 2016 to January 27, 2017). / Journée de réflection des sous-ministres (28 avril 2016 au 27 janvier 2017).Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 138.392017-06-01
Deputy Ministers' Breakfast (June 21, 2016 to March 8, 2017). / Petit déjeuner des sous-ministres (21 juin 2016 au 8 mars 2017).Privy Council Office, Ottawa, Ontario 80.342017-06-01
Minister's briefing working lunch. / Déjeuner d'affaires du breffage du ministre.Corner Kitchen, 200 Kent St, Ottawa, Ontario Olly Fresco's, 181 Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario 145.442017-04-28
Provision of beverages for various meetings with the Deputy Minister (March 2nd to June 1st). / Boissons offertes dans le cadre de diverses réunions avec le sous-ministre (2 mars au 1er juin).Tannis Food Distributors, 288 Catherine Street, Ottawa, Ontario 5.642017-03-02

Employer Information

Employees with the same organization

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
Alexis Conrad Assistant Deputy Minister - Learning BranchEmployment and Social Development Canada$1,348.09All staff meeting2017-06-19
Andy Netzel A/Regional Executive Head - AB-NT-NUEmployment and Social Development Canada$4,621.28Breakfast and Dinner - Region Leadership Conference2008-02-05
Thomas Townsend Executive DirectorEmployment and Social Development Canada$14,196.50Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner and Refreshments - Canada@150 Conference2008-06-09
Mary-Lou Donnelly Commissioner for WorkersEmployment and Social Development Canada$1,210.592016 Commissioner for Workers Employment Insurance Forum2016-05-19
Danica Shimbashi Executive DirectorEmployment and Social Development Canada$8,567.93Lunch provided during mandatory refresher training session to all members2014-11-18
Judith Andrew Commissioner for EmployersEmployment and Social Development Canada$2,491.92Employer Forum with business association2017-09-21
Liliane Binette Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$3,868.16Refreshments, lunch and dinner - Leadership Forum2008-09-16
Allen Sutherland Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$2,860.63Refreshments provided to Learning Branch employees that attended the All Staff/Recognition Event at the Palais des Congrès2013-10-31
Elaine Feldman Chief NegotiatorEmployment and Social Development Canada$3,279.74Refreshments, breakfast and lunch - Multilateral Meeting2008-01-22
Denis Boulianne Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$3,656.35Leadership Forum - Coffee and muffin breaks2010-01-26
Find all employees with the same organization

Position Information

TitleSenior Assistant Deputy Minister
OrganizationEmployment and Social Development Canada

Employees with the same position

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
Frank Vermaeten Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$210.21Meeting with participants of the Economics and Social Science Services development program2009-07-17
Carolina Giliberti Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$191.37Dinner meeting to discuss Regional Human Resources Plans2012-06-05
Jacques Paquette Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$56.50Flowers for a farewell celebration2010-02-25
Valerie Gideon Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterIndigenous Services Canada$299.26Meeting with Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK).2018-11-21
Lynda Clairmont Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterIndigenous Services Canada$195Senior Management Committee Face to Face - Working Lunch2018-05-16
Joe Wild Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterCrown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada$228.35Treaties and Aboriginal Government Senior Management Forward Planning Meeting2018-06-22
David Mac Donald Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$4,713.78Morning and afternoon refreshments for an all staff retreat2010-03-10
Corinne Charette Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterInnovation, Science and Economic Development Canada$173.285G roundtable meeting2016-09-09
Andrew Treusch Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$609.24Breakfast - Deputy Minister's Awards of Excellence Ceremony2006-11-29
Paul Thompson Senior Assistant Deputy MinisterEmployment and Social Development Canada$367Refreshments - Thank you and celebration2009-02-20
Find all employees with the same position

Similar Employees

Employees with similar names

Employee NameTitleOrganizationTotal AmountDescriptionStart Date
Jasmine Brown Principal Secretary to the MinisterDepartment of Finance Canada$155.73Breakfast Meeting/Briefing2013-11-12
Suzanne Veaudry-Brown Acting Executive Director, Audit and EvaluationCanadian Food Inspection Agency$370.10Refreshments - External Audit Committee Members and CFIA Audit Committee briefing session2018-10-04
Susan Brown Deputy DirectorFinancial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada$4,189.71Information Management and Information Technology sector retreat2006-12-14

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 20 thousand proactive publication of hospitality expense information of senior officers or employees, as required by the amendments to the Access to Information Act. The Government of Canada extends hospitality in accordance with the rules and principles outlined in the Policies for Ministers' Offices and the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures. Each hospitality expense is registered with full name, organization, title, description, location, etc.