Paysagement McLean inc.

292 rue Gardenville
Quebec J4H 2H3


Paysagement McLean inc. is a business entity in Longueuil registered with the Business Registrar (Registraire des entreprises) of Government of Quebec. The Quebec business number (Numéro d'entreprise du Québec (NEQ)) #1180232705. The registered business location is at 292 rue Gardenville
Quebec J4H 2H3
. The entity was registered on October 1, 2024. The incorporation date is October 1, 2024. The legal form of the business is Joint stock company or company / Société par actions ou compagnie. The registration status is Registered / Immatriculée.

Quebec Business Number / Numéro d'entreprise du Québec (NEQ) 1180232705
Business Name / Nom de l'assujetti Paysagement McLean inc.
Home Address / Adresse du domicile 292 rue Gardenville, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 2H3, 292 rue Gardenville, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 2H3
Registration Date / Date d'immatriculation 2024-10-01
Registration Status / Statut d'immatriculation Registered / Immatriculée
Status Update Date / Date de la dernière mise à jour du statut 2024-10-01
Legal Form / Forme juridique Joint stock company or company / Société par actions ou compagnie
Legal Regime / Régime juridique QUÉBEC : Loi sur les sociétés par actions (RLRQ, C. S-31.1)
Incorporation Date / Date de la constitution 2024-10-01
Incorporation Legal Regime / Régime juridique lors de la constitution QUÉBEC : Loi sur les sociétés par actions (RLRQ, C. S-31.1)
Incorporation Locality / Localité de constitution Québec
Number of Employees / Nombre d'employés Non déclaré
Bankruptcy Indicator / Indicateur de faillite N
Name Index Update Date / Date de mise à jour de l'index des noms 2024-10-01

Names, Other Names and Versions / Nom, autre nom et versions

Business NameName StatusName TypeRegistration DateWithdrawl Date
Paysagement McLean inc.In Effect / En vigueurName / Nom2024-10-01

Location Information

Street Address 292 rue Gardenville
City Longueuil
Province Quebec
Postal Code J4H 2H3

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over two million businesses and companies registered with the Business registrar / Registraire des entreprises - Gouvernement du Québec. The registrar maintains a public register of the information prescribed by law and relating to associations and businesses incorporated or registered in Québec. Each business is registered with Québec business number (NEQ), business name, home address location, incorporation date, update dates, etc.

Subject Economics and Industry
Jurisdiction Province of Quebec
Data Provider Registraire des entreprises - Gouvernement du Québec

Dataset Details

The Business registrar (Registraire des entreprises) maintains a public register in which the information prescribed by law and relating to associations and businesses incorporated or registered in Québec or which carry out activities there is filed and disseminated. The information declared by businesses and companies is made available to all citizens. The role of the registrar also consists of promoting the administrative efficiency of the government and facilitating the communications that the latter maintains with associations and businesses by (1) the allocation of a Québec enterprise number (NEQ) to enterprises that register in the register; (2) communication of information to Québec government departments and agencies that administer public programs for the benefit of businesses.

This dataset includes all busiensses registered with Registraire des entreprises. For each business, the registered information includes Québec business number (NEQ), business name, home address location, incorporation date, update dates, etc. The Quebec business number (NEQ) is the unique identifier for each business. The information contained in the business register is public, and it is the businesses that are responsible for the accuracy of the information they declare.

In 2016, the Government of Quebec and the municipalities of Gatineau, Laval, Montreal, Quebec and Sherbrooke joined their efforts to create the new open data portal, Données Québec. Data Quebec adheres to the principle of open government and aims to providing better access to open data of public interest; giving citizens the opportunity to interact with the organizations disseminating the data; simplify the use and cross-referencing of data; facilitate citizen participation in the development of innovative solutions; increase the transparency of public administrations. Since 2017, the Government of Quebec, through numerous initiatives, has promoted the opening of data and its reuse. The 2021-2023 Open Government Action Plan is part of the continuity and the search for greater transparency within the administration. This is the third plan for Quebec and the first since Quebec joined the Partnership in Open Government and co-created with civil society.