9873 King George Blvd, Surrey


9873 King George Blvd, Surrey is a property parcel in the City of Surrey, provided by the Property Tax and Utility Section of Surrey and assessed by BC Assessment (BCA). The assessor folio number is #2340-00036-1, and the parcel number is #031-294-987. The lot type is Standard Lot. The owner type is Private. The plan type is Subdivision, with plan number EPP102781 in year 2020. The lot size is 12,428 sq. meters (133,778 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual. The zone description is Comprehensive Development Zone (Bylaws B/L 20027). The legal description of the parcel is LOT A BLOCK 5N SECTION 34 RANGE 2W PLAN EPP102781 NWD. The gross assessed value is $58,069,000 in 2022, with land value $53,976,000 and improvement value $4,093,000.

Property Information

Address9873 King George Blvd
Street Number9873
Street NameKing George Blvd
Lot TypeStandard Lot
Owner TypePrivate
Plan TypeSubdivision
Plan NumberEPP102781
Plan Year2020
Lot Size12,428 sq. meters (133,778 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual
Legal DescriptionLOT A BLOCK 5N SECTION 34 RANGE 2W PLAN EPP102781 NWD
Zone DescriptionComprehensive Development Zone
Zone BylawsB/L 20027

Assessment Roll

Address9873 King George Blvd
Gross Land Value$53,976,000
Gross Improvement Value$4,093,000
Gross Assessment Value$58,069,000

Property Changes

Year: 2022   Plan Year: 2020, Zone: Comprehensive Development Zone
Lot Size: 12,428 sq. meters (133,778 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual
Legal Description: LOT A BLOCK 5N SECTION 34 RANGE 2W PLAN EPP102781 NWD

Property Assessment Roll History

YearAssessment ValueIncreaseLand ValueImprovement Value

Location Information

Street Address 9873 King George Blvd

Properties in nearby locations

LocationGross Assessment ValueYearPlan Year
9905 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3T 2V8 $48,110,00020211954
9854 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC $9,250,00020222017
13545 98A Ave, Surrey, BC $3,823,00020211941
13527 98B Ave, Surrey, BC V3T 1E2 $989,00020221954
13555 98A Ave, Surrey, BC $3,823,00020211941
9900 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3T 0K7 $111,943,00020222017
9908 King George Blvd, Unit 18, Surrey, BC V3T 0H6 $1,345,00020222011
13536 98A Ave, Surrey, BC V3T 1C8 $1,758,00020221954
13546 98A Ave, Surrey, BC V3T 1C8 $1,463,00020221954
13579 99 Ave, Surrey, BC $18,280,00020221904

Improve Information

Do you have more infomration about 9873 King George Blvd, Surrey? Please fill in the following form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes 20 thousand properties assessed by BC Assessment (BCA), provided by City of Surrey, Property Tax and Utility Section. The data contains property, or parcel, together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with address, PID, Folio, plan number and description, zoning information, assessment information, etc.