2444 160 St, Surrey, V3S 0C8


2444 160 St, Surrey, V3S 0C8 is a property parcel in the City of Surrey, provided by the Property Tax and Utility Section of Surrey and assessed by BC Assessment (BCA). The assessor folio number is #5249-90016-1, and the parcel number is #026-589-435. The lot type is Standard Lot. The owner type is Private. The plan type is Subdivision, with plan number BCP22200 in year 2006. The lot size is 52,006 sq. meters (559,792 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual. The zone description is Comprehensive Development Zone (Bylaws B/L 15610). The legal description of the parcel is LOT A SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 1 PLAN BCP22200 NWD. The gross assessed value is $97,538,000 in 2022, with land value $58,436,000 and improvement value $39,102,000.

Property Information

Address2444 160 St
V3S 0C8
Street Number2444
Street Name160 St
PostalV3S 0C8
Lot TypeStandard Lot
Owner TypePrivate
Plan TypeSubdivision
Plan NumberBCP22200
Plan Year2006
Lot Size52,006 sq. meters (559,792 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual
Legal DescriptionLOT A SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 1 PLAN BCP22200 NWD
Zone DescriptionComprehensive Development Zone
Zone BylawsB/L 15610

Assessment Roll

Address2444 160 St
V3S 0C8
Gross Land Value$58,436,000
Gross Improvement Value$39,102,000
Gross Assessment Value$97,538,000

Property Changes

Year: 2022   Plan Year: 2006, Zone: Comprehensive Development Zone
Lot Size: 52,006 sq. meters (559,792 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual
Legal Description: LOT A SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 1 PLAN BCP22200 NWD
Year: 2019   Plan Year: 2006, Zone: Comprehensive Development Zone
Lot Size: 52,003 sq. meters (559,758 sq. feet) - approximate, see legal plan for actual

Property Assessment Roll History

YearAssessment ValueIncreaseLand ValueImprovement Value

Location Information

Street Address 2444 160 St
Postal CodeV3S 0C8

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2525 160 St, Surrey, BC V3Z 0C8 $36,344,00020222006
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17512 26 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0A4 $4,418,00020221992
2689 156 St, Surrey, BC V3S 0C5 $488,00020221959
16604 28 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0A9 $2,322,00020221981
2990 Croydon Dr, Surrey, BC V3S 0C5 $735,00020221963
15100 Edmund Dr, Surrey, BC V3S 0A8 $30,185,00020222017
2685 160 St, Surrey, BC V3S 0B7 $3,779,00020161993
16721 25A Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0B1 $1,233,00020221959
15832 Croydon Dr, Surrey, BC V3S 0C5 $5,181,00020221951
6611 152A St, Surrey, BC V3S 0B3 $3,662,00020222011
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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 20 thousand properties assessed by BC Assessment (BCA), provided by City of Surrey, Property Tax and Utility Section. The data contains property, or parcel, together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with address, PID, Folio, plan number and description, zoning information, assessment information, etc.