Wu Jie Hair Design
Barbering & Hairdressing · 2351 Kennedy Rd, Unit-101, M1T
Wu Jie Hair Design is licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, BodySafe Program.
The establishment number is #3644509.
The business address is 2351 Kennedy Rd, Unit-101, M1T.
The service type is Barbering & Hairdressing.
Establishment Information
Establishment ID | 3644509 |
Establishment Name | WU JIE HAIR DESIGN |
Address | 2351 Kennedy Rd Unit-101 M1T |
Establishment Status | Pass |
Status Code | PASS |
Service Type | Barbering & Hairdressing (7016) |
Inspection Date | 2019-04-30 |
Inspection Status | Pass |
All Inspections and Infractions
Inspection Date | Inspection Status | Service Type | Infraction Details |
2019-04-30 | Pass | Barbering & Hairdressing | |
2019-04-26 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Semi-critical items cleaned then disinfected with an ILD or HLD between clients. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2018-05-31 | Pass | Barbering & Hairdressing | |
2018-05-29 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Liquid soap & single-use towels or 70% alcohol based handrub. Action: Ticket. Outcome: Fine Only, No Court. Outcome Date: 2018-06-12. |
2018-05-29 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Semi-critical items maintained in a sanitary manner before use. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2018-05-29 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: HLD on-site for work surfaces & items that may be contaminated with blood/body fluids. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2017-08-29 | Pass | Barbering & Hairdressing | |
2017-08-25 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Non-critical items maintained in a sanitary manner before use. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2017-08-25 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Non-critical items cleaned then disinfected with a LLD between clients. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2017-08-25 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Semi-critical items maintained in a sanitary manner before use. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2016-05-16 | Pass | Barbering & Hairdressing | |
2016-05-13 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Semi-critical items cleaned then disinfected with an ILD or HLD between clients. Action: Notice to Comply. |
2016-05-13 | Conditional | Barbering & Hairdressing | Infraction Type: Work surfaces cleaned then disinfected with a LLD daily. Action: Notice to Comply. |
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