Hot Oven Bakery

Bakery · 2226 Bloor St W, Toronto


Hot Oven Bakery is licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The establishment number is #10302560. The business address is 2226 Bloor St W, Toronto. The business type is Bakery.

Establishment Information

Establishment ID10302560
Establishment NameHOT OVEN BAKERY
Address2226 Bloor St W
Establishment TypeBakery
Inspection Date2021-12-10
Establishment StatusPass

All Inspections and Infractions

Inspection DateInspection StatusInfraction Details
2017-02-24PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly maintain rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.
2016-11-01PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly maintain rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.
2016-07-29PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly maintain rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.

Businesses with the same name

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Hot Oven Bakery 2974 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2021-02-18

Location Information

Street Address 2226 BLOOR ST W

Businesses in nearby locations

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Bread and Roses 2232 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONConditional Pass2016-07-04
Dollar + 2212 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass
Peach Tree Health Foods 2239 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2016-11-14
Pizza Pizza 2241 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2019-01-08
Gin Mill 2202 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2018-09-17
Sunshine Village Grill 2200 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2018-11-14
Shoppers Drug Mart 2223 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2019-01-08
Village Juicery 2228 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2017-07-20
Baka Gallery Cafe 2256 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONPass2020-11-09
La Petite Ecole 130 Kennedy Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-11-22

Similar Entities

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
The Bakery 40 Carl Hall Rd, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-13
Bakery 18 395 Bamburgh Crcl, Toronto, ONConditional Pass2016-04-13
Distric Oven 842 College St, Toronto, ONPass2016-04-14
New Bakery 613 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-17
What A Bakery 875 Milner Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-04-13
O & B Bakery 176 Yonge St, Toronto, ONPass2016-04-21
Magic Oven 1450 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-05-02
TSF Bakery 133 Manville Rd, Toronto, ONPass2016-12-12
H & A Bakery 300 Milliken Blvd, Toronto, ONPass
Magic Oven 302 Eglinton Ave W, Toronto, ONPass2016-02-03

Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 15 thousand eating and drinking establishments and inspections by City of Toronto, Public Health - Healthy Environments Program. DineSafe is Toronto Public Health’s food safety program that inspects all establishments serving and preparing food. Each inspection results in a pass, a conditional pass or a closed notice. Each establishment is registered with establishment number, business name, business location, inspection date, inspection result, infraction details, actions, etc.