520 1st Ave E
V5T 0H2


520 1st Ave E
V5T 0H2
is a property parcel in Vancouver assessed by BC Assessment (BCA). The assessor folio number is #638199960000, the parcel ID is #029-631-017, the legal type is LAND, the zone name is CD-1 (402) Comprehensive Development. The property was built in 2016, with big improvement in 2016. The current assessed value is $187,537,000, with tax levy of $1,392. The narrative legal description of the parcel is LOT 1 PLAN EPP48156 DISTRICT LOT 264A NWD GROUP 1, & DL 2037..

Property Information

PID 029-631-017
Folio 638199960000
Land Coordinate 63819996
Address 520 1st Ave E
V5T 0H2
Street Name 1ST AVE E
Postal V5T 0H2
Legal Type LAND
Zone Name CD-1 (402)
Zone Category Comprehensive Development
Lot 1
Plan EPP48156
District Lot 264A
Narrative Legal Line LOT 1 PLAN EPP48156 DISTRICT LOT
264A NWD GROUP 1, & DL 2037.
Year Built 2016
Big Improvement Year 2016
Neighbourhood 013
Report Year 2022

Assessment Roll

Address 520 1st Ave E
V5T 0H2
Assessment Year 2022
Current Land Value $65,175,000
Current Improvement Value $122,362,000
Tax Levy Value $1,392
Total Assessed Value $187,537,000
Previous Land Value $51,390,000
Previous Improvement Value $119,744,000

Property Assessment Roll History

YearTotal Assessed ValueIncreaseLand ValueImprovement ValueTax Levy Value

Improve Information

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V5T 0H2
? Please fill in the following form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes 200 thousand properties assessed by BC Assessment (BCA), provided by City of Vancouver, Risk and Supply Chain Management - Revenue Services. The data contains property, or parcel, together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with address, PID, Folio, plan number and description, zoning information, assessment information, etc.