3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, V5R 5W2 is a property parcel in Vancouver assessed by BC Assessment (BCA). The assessor folio number is #770319050000, the parcel ID is #009-919-520, the legal type is LAND, the zone name is C-2 Commercial. The property was built in 1979, with big improvement in 1979. The current assessed value is $28,575,000, with tax levy of $281,313. The narrative legal description of the parcel is LOT B BLOCK 6 PLAN VAP8825 DISTR ICT LOT 36 NWD & DL 49..
PID | 009-919-520 |
Folio | 770319050000 |
Land Coordinate | 77031905 |
Address | 3665 Kingsway Vancouver V5R 5W2 |
Street Name | KINGSWAY |
Postal | V5R 5W2 |
Legal Type | LAND |
Zone Name | C-2 |
Zone Category | Commercial |
Lot | B |
Plan | VAP8825 |
Block | 6 |
District Lot | 36 |
Narrative Legal Line | LOT B BLOCK 6 PLAN VAP8825 DISTR ICT LOT 36 NWD & DL 49. |
Year Built | 1979 |
Big Improvement Year | 1979 |
Neighbourhood | 023 |
Report Year | 2022 |
Address | 3665 Kingsway Vancouver V5R 5W2 |
Assessment Year | 2022 |
Current Land Value | $23,944,000 |
Current Improvement Value | $4,631,000 |
Tax Levy Value | $281,313 |
Total Assessed Value | $28,575,000 |
Previous Land Value | $21,989,000 |
Previous Improvement Value | $6,619,000 |
Year | Total Assessed Value | Increase | Land Value | Improvement Value | Tax Levy Value |
2022 | $28,575,000 | -0.12% | $23,944,000 | $4,631,000 | $281,313 |
2021 | $28,608,000 | -3.50% | $21,989,000 | $6,619,000 | $301,642 |
2020 | $29,646,000 | 1.06% | $21,989,000 | $7,657,000 | $216,591 |
2019 | $29,334,000 | 17.16% | $25,898,000 | $3,436,000 | $289,304 |
2018 | $25,038,000 | 12.47% | $21,012,000 | $4,026,000 | $286,707 |
2017 | $22,261,000 | 3.81% | $17,102,000 | $5,159,000 | $292,379 |
2016 | $21,444,000 | 9.63% | $12,777,000 | $8,667,000 | $315,333 |
2015 | $19,561,000 | 1.24% | $11,073,000 | $8,488,000 | $312,107 |
2014 | $19,322,000 | 0.33% | $9,937,000 | $9,385,000 | $316,084 |
2013 | $19,258,000 | 19.76% | $8,991,000 | $10,267,000 | $329,910 |
2012 | $16,080,000 | 2.11% | $8,991,000 | $7,089,000 | $277,209 |
2011 | $15,747,000 | 10.45% | $7,869,000 | $7,878,000 | $294,758 |
2010 | $14,257,000 | 7.23% | $6,610,000 | $7,647,000 | $298,769 |
2009 | $13,296,000 | -3.55% | $7,896,000 | $5,400,000 | $256,560 |
2008 | $13,785,000 | 81.45% | $7,896,000 | $5,889,000 | $248,299 |
2007 | $7,597,000 | 19.54% | $4,571,000 | $3,026,000 | $179,650 |
2006 | $6,355,000 | 0.00% | $3,324,000 | $3,031,000 | $187,319 |
Street Address |
City | Vancouver |
Postal Code | V5R 5W2 |
State | BC |
Location | Total Assessed Value | Year Built |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #309, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $439,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #201, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $667,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #412, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $732,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #212, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $696,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #206, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $645,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #207, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $746,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #105, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $506,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #415, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $588,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #407, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $768,000 | 2007 |
3551 Foster Ave, Unit #203, Vancouver, BC V5R 0A1 | $516,000 | 2007 |
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This dataset includes 200 thousand properties assessed by BC Assessment (BCA), provided by City of Vancouver, Risk and Supply Chain Management - Revenue Services. The data contains property, or parcel, together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with address, PID, Folio, plan number and description, zoning information, assessment information, etc.