New Brunswick Public Sector Employee Salaries


This dataset includes 30 thousand employees working in public sectors of Government of New Brunswick, disclosed by the Finance and Treasury Board / Finances et Conseil du Trésor. The Office of the Comptroller provides data including salary and travel information for employees. Each employee is disclosed with full name, employer, position, salaries, etc.

Dataset Information

Jurisdiction Province of New Brunswick
Data Provider Province of New Brunswick, Finance and Treasury Board / Finances et Conseil du Trésor, Office of the Comptroller

Search Result

Employee NamePosition TitleDepartmentYear
Pamela Montour Justice and Public Safety2021
Paula Aasen-Haines Anglophone South School District2021
Jennifer L Acheson Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries2021
Glen L. Savoie MinisterGeneral Government2021
Paul D'Astous Office of the Premier2021
John Adams Anglophone North School District2021
Yennah Hurley Deputy MinisterTourism, Heritage and Culture2021
Michael Comeau Deputy MinisterJustice and Public Safety2021
Christyne Allain Premier's Council on Disabilities2021
Eric Beaulieu Deputy MinisterSocial Development2021
Raphael Moore Centre Communautaire Sainte-Anne2021
Ernest Steeves MinisterFinance and Treasury Board2021
Joseph Adair Financial and Consumer Services Commission2021
Daniel J Mills Deputy MinisterPost-Secondary Education, Training and Labour2021
Heather Allaby New Brunswick Community College2021
Shirley C. MacLean Commissioner of Official LanguagesLegislative Assembly2021
Micheline T Doiron Environment and Local Government2021
Mohamed Abouwarda New Brunswick Power Corporation2021
Jason G. Agnew Anglophone East School District2021
Trevor A. Holder MinisterPost-Secondary Education, Training and Labour2021
Stephen Berthelot Finance and Treasury Board2021
Michele Pelletier Comsumer Advocate for InsuranceLegislative Assembly2021
John P Logan Deputy MinisterTransportation and Infrastructure2021
Thomas M MacFarlane Deputy MinisterNatural Resources and Energy Development2021
Guylaine Albert Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick2021
Patrick Arseneault Education and Early Childhood Development2021
Alfred H Brien JudgeJustice and Public Safety2021
Jeffrey Basil Carr Former MinisterEnvironment and Local Government2021
Penny Higdon Health2021
Dominic Cardy MinisterEducation and Early Childhood Development2021
Kim Akerley Francophone sud school district2021
Ellen Desmond New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board2021
Keith Akerley Francophone nord-ouest school district2021
Tammy Scott-Wallace MinisterTourism, Heritage and Culture2021
Norman J. Bosse Child and Youth AdvocateLegislative Assembly2021
John J. McLaughlin Former Deputy MinisterEducation and Early Childhood Development2021
Francoise Roy Former Deputy MinisterTourism, Heritage and Culture2021
Michel Arsenault New Brunswick Health Council2021
Kimberly Poffenroth Chief Electoral OfficerLegislative Assembly2021
Kelly Cain Former Deputy MinisterGeneral Government2021
John B D Logan Former Deputy MinisterJustice and Public Safety2021
Mike Holland MinisterNatural Resources and Energy Development2021
Patrick J McCarthy Recycle New Brunswick2021
Catherine E. Larochelle Deputy MinisterAgriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries2021
Wendy Allen Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour2021
William G. Oliver Former MinisterTransportation and Infrastructure2021
Ryan Donaghy Deputy MinisterEnvironment and Local Government2021
Euclide Richard Transportation and Infrastructure2021
Gary Crossman MinisterEnvironment and Local Government2021
Paul Blackmore Forest Protection Limited2021
Cheryl Hansen Deputy MinisterFinance and Treasury Board2021
Paul Greene Deputy MinisterExecutive Council Office2021
Blaine M. Higgs PremierOffice of the Premier2021
Robert Gauvin Former MinisterTourism, Heritage and Culture2021
Serge Allard Natural Resources and Energy Development2021
Lori Armstrong Opportunities NB2021
Charles E Murray OmbudLegislative Assembly2021
Paul Dolan Cannabis NB Ltd.2021
Andrea Adams Horizon Health Network2021
Andrea Anderson-Mason MemberLegislative Assembly2021
Dominik Abud EM/ANB Inc.2021
Subramanyam Anupindi Service New Brunswick2021
Denis D Savoie Social Development2021
Anne Catherine Hamilton Tourism, Heritage and Culture2021
Shayne Davies Clerk of the Legislative AssemblyLegislative Assembly2021
Jake D. Stewart Former MinisterGeneral Government2021
Patricia Brown-MacKenzie Executive Council Office2021
Jason Jessop Regional Development Corporation2021
Hani Abdelaziz Réseau de santé Vitalité2021
Joseph Gerald Richard Deputy MinisterHealth2021
Maryse Allard New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission2021
Kelly Ferris New Brunswick Insurance Board2021
Joss (Jocelyn) Richer New Brunswick Arts Board2021
Terry Currie Atlantic Education International Inc.2021
F. Ross Wetmore Former MinisterAgriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries2021
George Daley Deputy MinisterEducation and Early Childhood Development2021
Louis Leger Chief of StaffOffice of the Premier2021
Thomas Maston Former Deputy MinisterHealth2021
Chantal Albert Francophone nord-est school district2021
George P L Filliter General Government2021
Mary E. Baruth Kings Landing Corporation2021
Margaret C Johnson MinisterAgriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries2021
Kim A Adair-MacPherson Auditor GeneralLegislative Assembly2021
Andrea Anderson-Mason Former MinisterJustice and Public Safety2021
Ronald Armitage Legislative Assembly2021
Hugh J. Flemming MinisterJustice and Public Safety2021
R. Bruce Fitch MinisterSocial Development2021
Moronkeji Allo New Brunswick Liquor Corporation2021
Donald J. Forestell Former Clerk of the Legislative AssemblyLegislative Assembly2021
Jill Green MinisterTransportation and Infrastructure2021
Misael Abreus-Yanes Anglophone West School District2021
Karen (Dorothy) Shephard MinisterHealth2021
Jean-Marc Dupuis Deputy MinisterGeneral Government2020
Peter Campbell Public Safety2020
Michel Carrier Former Commissioner of Official LanguagesLegislative Assembly2020
Jordan O'Brien Former Chief of StaffOffice of the Premier2020
David C Walker JudgeJustice and Office of the Attorney General2020
Gregory Thompson MinisterExecutive Council Office2020
Carl Urquhart MinisterPublic Safety2020
John B D Logan Deputy MinisterJustice and Office of the Attorney General2020